Getting Warm on the Trail of Heat
Not at all what I expected. The album cover art seems like this would be a hippie-friendly collection of songs about dope smoking. When instead it’s a metalhead-friendly collection of songs about dope smoking. The music of Spaceboy is something out of a Black Sabbath/ELP jam session. It’s at the same time super heavy and then, out of nowhere come these intricate electronic sounds. Amidst all the slamming there’s these guitar bridges that sound like mini-universes are being created and destroyed through the songs!
It starts off with “Planet of Pot,” continues with “Return to Cannabis Island,” and finishes with “Stoner Fort.” In between are creepy, near-hideous psychosexual tunes like “Ancient Civilizations,” “Pink Domain,” and “Emitic Translation Cathedral.” Not for the weak of heart at all, but definitely for those who are looking for challenging metal. Frenetic Records, P.O. Box 640434, San Francisco, CA 94164