Flin Flon
Boo Boo
A trio featuring Mark (Unrest) Robinson’s gentle humor and guitar, Nattles’ way-cool ’80s bass and Matthew Datesman’s driving drums, Flin Flon make songs that are simply layered but infinitely catchy. Listening to this time and again, I’m struck by how uninspired a lot of today’s music is when it comes to the interplay of bass and drums. As Nattles riffs effortlessly, Datesman steadily thumps behind him, making something to draw you in rather than rock you out. Robinson’s sharply angular guitar, weaving in and out of the rhythm section’s musical granite, gives this a somewhat retro sound, evoking the feel of the Police, the Pixies and the Gang of Four without sounding much like them. Flin Flon put the power back into power trio. The vinyl version of this disc contains remixes – haven’t heard it, but it’s probably worth checking out. Boo Boo provides an impressive foundation.
Teenbeat, P.O. Box 3265, Arlington, VA 22203