Even techno couldn’t survive the kind of rote repetition that Calibos puts its songs through, spinning them in a sleepy loop of simplistic, three-note rock reminiscent of a low-quality, gashed vinyl record. The band sounds like the by-product of rock n’ roll after someone digested it and soaked up the nutrients, leaving just the fecal matter that is Calibos’ uncatchy and muddy sound with few-to-no words. The band is full of instrumentals with no solos, reminiscent of a karaoke Bush album, and the lyrics that are occasionally sung are overly-repetitive and buried under effect pedals and post-production blunders. If anything, Calibos serves as a shining example of why rock n’ roll isn’t known for its instrumentals, or that throwing three bars of music into an endless repeat isn’t the best way to write a song.
Arlingtone Records, P.O. Box 17553, Arlington, VA 22216