The Trans Megetti
Soon Be Seeing You Later
Art Monk
Four tunes just ain’t enough at times. Like when them tunes is in-yer-face, shake-yer-hips rock n’ roll. Like Detroit MC5 riot rock. It’s light-a-fire-under-yer-lame-ass, jive-and-get-on-with-the-revolution, get on with the Trans Megetti and just go, man, go. These songs should be blaring from the rooftops, man, and when September hits, don’t go back to school, start a band like this and just rage with all the heart you got. It’s gotta be done always, and like this, it’s gotta catch yer soul and make you see the light! Drive all night. Free Arthur Lee! Get this going alongside the Make-Up, the Vue, and, man, get out that Lapse album. It’s a generation of now, and we want it all.
Art Monk Construction, P.O. Box 6332, Falls Church, VA 22040;