San Agustin
Family Vineyard
I’m sure it must be difficult to embark on any discussion of this band without mentioning the guitarist upon who’s body of work they seem to have based their approach to free rock. San Agustin plays live with and has appeared on albums alongside Loren MazzaCane Connors. Their albums glow with the tension of three youngsters trying to impress a dark, stooped figure in the shadows while simultaneously trying desperately not to fuck up. As confidence waxes and self-consciousness wanes, the speed picks up and the drums delicately skitter about. Catharsis nears but never arrives. Drones are employed seemingly in tribute to Lee Renaldo. Guitars slowly bubble to the surface and find that microscopic level between liquid and gas where water vapor can escape and nitrogen can enter the depths without actually coming anywhere near a boil.
Family Vineyard, PO Box 2161, Bloomington, IN 47402