Kings Of Convenience
Kings Of Convenience
Mellow and pretty and pretty mellow cute sing-a-long pop songs. The vocals sound a little Belle and Sebastian British, but these guys are actually from Norway. Still, a nice treat for fans of those spacious and airy twee bands. A full two songs before the drums kick in with a delicate snare on the third, and it’s just right. The songs are sad, but there is the promise of hope, of things getting better. Some of the melodics are almost Pink Floydian, if they were written with just a guitar in mind. While the songs sound lush, but still paying attention to the spaces and keeping a nice rein on the dynamics, the Kings of Convenience are just a duo, but sometimes two is enough. Vocals smooth out the tension in your neck, and you just watch the day pass, relax, and smile as the next song begins.
Kindercore Records, P.O. Box 461, Athens, GA 30603;