Bourbon Brothers
Bourbon Brothers
This 10-song CD by Gainesville trio the Bourbon Brothers takes up less than half an hour – you do the math. That’s a good thing: garagey trash rock like this should be short songs. The record was made in “the garage/studio of the Bourbon Brothers’ palatial estate,” so there are times where the signal-to-tape runs a little hot, or there’s an instrument mis-hit here or there that the Brothers didn’t have the time, money, or inclination to “fix.” But I can forgive a multitude of what others may consider sins in return for good songs and a wicked sense of humor, and the Brothers have that in spades. Worth it just for the hilariously anthemic “In Your Pants.” Great, raw ’60s-inspired rock that doesn’t sound at all like revivalists. Somebody get these guys into a real studio, pronto!
PO Box 140031, Gainesville, FL 32614-0031,,, (352) 373-2162