Throwin’ Bones
OK, it’s my fault… I didn’t know what I was getting into. I can no longer tell if they are ripping off Led Zeppelin guitar riffs or the Cult. It sounds more like the Cult, but there’s going to be trouble later on… they have a string orchestra to aid in the creation of this almost-heavy alternative (as in “radio friendly”) rock n’ roll. Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just not my thing. I mean, how many times, really, do you have to say “baby” in one song… and how many times do you have to have an instantly recognizable guitar riff taking the place of an actual musical song structure? The vocals? Definitely more Zeppelin than Cult. I’d write more, but I’m cutting out before the orchestra hits.
Matchbox, 210 West 38th, Ste. A,, Austin, TX 78705