Corn Doggy Dog and the 1/2 Lb.
Good Clean Filth
Long Beach
These dudes belong in jail. This tasteless album of PG-13 infantile “punk” raunchiness has no redeeming values whatsoever. The clowns comprising this band, if it can be called that (all that’s left of a punk band whose talent fled to join the likes of The Vandals and Wayne Kramer), no doubt the result of permissive parenting on the level of 16 Candles permissiveness, pooped out twenty-one (21!) semi-original, ape-worthy punk rock songs, some of which were recorded at live shows, some inside of a tin outhouse. The last track, “song” 22, is an R-rated, obscene gerund-laden recording of some poor sap’s answering machine. They utterly butcher John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Hurts So Good” by renaming it “Pull Some Wood.” And don’t get me started on “War on the Blvd,” or their bludgeoning of “Ice, Ice Baby,” or their anal raping of “Iron Man.” Now, don’t get me started, as you should clearly get yourself started, find this album, and bother the neighbors. Excellent candidate for album of the year in my book! Ha!
Long Beach Records, 203 Argonne, Suite 103, Long Beach, CA 90803;