The Quiet Storm
The term “mood music” can be used lightly these days to refer to something to play when you’re getting ready to get down, but if you actually consider the term, it has more meaning than that. When you’ve worked really hard all day and you come home so tired that your mind is running on empty, you need a release from your day (or week), when a band has sorrow for music and lyrics about how much they love their girlfriends, it’s just not happening. Ocelot, an “instrumental rock” group from Atlanta, gives new meaning to the term. A rare genre anyway, “instrumental rock” can be disheartening, but in the calm of The Quiet Storm, the group’s second release, the words aren’t needed, because the rhythm and movement of the sound tells so much. In a lot of rock groups that fail, it’s not their actual music, it’s the cheesy lyrics that kill their albums. Thank you, Ocelot, for sparing us and instead offering a well done, interesting, and happily unvocal album.
Moodswing Records: http://www.moodswingrecords.com