Triple Word Score
The First in a Long Line of Distance
Long Beach
Punk bands come and go like the common cold. Most are – by definition – unpackagable (except for Blink 182-ish groups) and unaccepted by the general listening populous. Thus, punk music is driven into the truest of indie worlds, becoming almost cult-like in some cases and creating a movement that expresses the depth of emotions in a form that is “thrashable.” Triple Word Score, a Canadian punk rock group that is catchy, hard, honest, and witty solves this dilemma. With feel-good songs like “Gray Sky Horizon,” “2 Ska 4 U,” “Java Joint-April 13, 2001” and “I Want You,” TWS – while unlike the more poppy Blink 182 – isn’t the punk of underground basement clubs, it’s the punk that neighborhood kids start, which is a very good, good thing.
Long Beach Records: