Christopher Lawrence
Around The World
I was looking forward to listening to this CD when I saw that it was in. I’d heard Christopher Lawrence’s United States of Trance last year, and I’d really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, Around The World doesn’t live up to its predecessor. It’s generic and sleepy, and while it is trance, I’d expect to be able to listen to the whole CD without nodding off.
Like United States, Around The World is comprised of Christopher Lawrence mixing together previously released songs by other artists. The mixing itself is flawless and each tracks blends seamlessly into the next. However, that may be part of the problem; if you weren’t familiar with the individual songs themselves, you wouldn’t know where one song ended and the next began. Instead of 11 separate tracks, it seems like one long, uninterrupted track, with almost nothing to jar the listener out of the stupor this CD induces.
This is not a reflection on Christopher Lawrence’s DJ and producing abilities, rather it’s a reflection on the material he chose to work with, which is rather generic. I’d have wished for more diverse material to challenge Mr Lawrence to stretch his DJing skills further.