One Of These Daze – March 1st, 2002
by Bing Futch
My horoscope was right on the money this past month.
My close friend Renee’ is always hooking me up with all the web has to offer in the way of free astrology, but in February she went so far as to purchase a couple of the little star scrolls that one might find in gas stations and convenience stores. She’s a Scorpio, a sign that I’m reportedly not supposed to be breaking bread with, but we seem to do just fine based on an overpowering energy that runs through both of us like a fine laser beam. And sometimes it expands to beyond such a pinpoint, enveloping us both and causing all manner of emotional and spiritual resonance – but lo, we are always connected.
I’m a Sagittarius and am therefor aware of my predisposition for stubborness and heroic flights of fancy. The Sag Male is a busy male, with plenty to do and not always half a clue as to an easy way of getting it done. We’re also drama magnets and my little purple scroll gave me a darling forecast for the week of last month’s full moon (why, that was this week!):
“Recently, life has become more of a serious matter than a light-hearted affair for you fun-loving archers. You’ve experienced a swirl of emotions and taken on heavier responsibilities. In the process, you’re going through a metamorphosis, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.”
No words truer spoken (or written) in this still new year of 2002. Though most of the responsibility that’s been hinted at is of a mental and spiritual weight. There’s something afoot. It has to do with what I was in a past life.
For some time, I’ve been of the feeling that certain truths were becoming concrete evidence in my brain. One of these truths is that dreams are actually past-life memories. Another is that all spirituality points towards the same divine source (or God, if you will.)
There are other truths, but these two were a couple that seemed to just “feel right” and they were both confirmed, in a way, by a series of books that I’ve been reading of late. One is “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Brian L. Weiss M.D. and another is “The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence Of Life After Death” by Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D.
The weekend of February 22nd has probably been the most third-eye opening time of my entire life. I can actually say that between these books and the inate sense that this is what is right and true – I now realize the meaning of life and will strive to uphold a better standard, an ideal, for myself. How many of you reading this believe in reincarnation, of life after death? How many feel that we just cease to be after it’s all said and done and we breathe our final breath? The writings of Edgar Cayce are also figuring into this as well as what I’ve believed all along in my own Christian faith.
It’s been heavy. My highest of highs have now joined in roiling around with my lowest of lows and the growing pains will not be stilled for quite some time.
Some here and there in lieu of the now and then.
No reviews this week, just a little scene news and some previews of what’s to come. I felt it necessary to take a load off and burrow into these books that I’ve recently purchased, to re-evaluate my positions and platforms. In any case – it would seem I’m not the only one to be doing such soul-searching. The band SOL has parted ways with Steve and Ryan, keeping only Luis and Sean in a move dictated by Matt Alvers Management. Former jennyanderson drummer Dean is currently filling in as the two core members of the band now known as Some Other Life prepare to dish out a duo situation while getting their bearings. The two can be caught at Dante’s Music Room on March 12th for the next edition of Open Mic XTREME!
In other split-ola news, bassist Rick Scheid has left hard-edged metal heroes Kiva, according to guitarist David Himes. I’m not sure what the whole story is, but according to Dave – it’s a long one. Aren’t they all?
Today, I spoke with the director of the Orange County Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Mr. Terry Olson. The subject: a series of meetings that his office is conducting at the Orange County Administration Building at 201 S. Rosalind Avenue in downtown Orlando. The informal town-hall styled meetings are seeking input from O-Town’s creative community regarding the arts and cultural affairs scene, specifically in the areas of music, dance, visual arts and museums, theater, media arts and literature. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 4th and begins at 7:30 pm – focus on dance. I’ll have more on this from Mr. Olson as well as local entertainer/restauranteur Rebecca Tex in the next edition of this instrument that we call “Dark’s Corner”. Don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list in order to get automatic updates of this column along with band listings and info-shit from Dark Studios as well. More CD reviews and scene insights next week too – bookmark, if you haven’t already, we’ve got some excitement coming your way.
Until then, be well, be wise and be wary. Love much and don’t look behind you…..