Lost Goat
The Dirty Ones
Tee Pee
Power-rock trio Lost Goat must’ve listened to their share of classic rock during their upbringing, and they keep their feet solidly planted in late-‘60s/early-‘70s blues rawk. Reminiscent, at various times, of everyone from The Who to a straightforward-rocking Led Zepplin and early Black Sabbath. With the added benefit of hindsight, they even embrace punk’s refusal to fall prey to the evil that is technique, and coupled with an endearing, contemporary DIY-attack, Lost Goat are really another in a long line of stoner bands, while still managing to retain a sound of their own.
That may be due to the fact that they’ve got a female vocalist who effectively growls and snarls her way through the album, like Grace Slick in a wicked mood, and the fact that drummer Tina Gordon and guitarist Eric Peterson know no rules, only sheer feel and energy let loose. A Ramones in classic rock-disguise, then. Imagine that. And while their songwriting fall short from time to time – the tedious “Twisted” being a case in point – their sheer attack carries them through. When the two combine, they’re simply brilliant.
Tee Pee Records: http://www.teepeerecords.com