…dragging the lake.
Side One Dummy
So here we have 24 punk-flavored bands contributing to a compilation by a clothing label, attempting to prove the ‘You ain’t nobody until somebody sponsors you” theory (Atticus financially supports every one of these groups). How very subversive and punk of them. If I were a scenester, I guess I’d know if wearing Atticus gear was cool, but judging by the track listing alone, I’d say that the brand has most bases covered when it comes to the multi-faceted, splintered-genre world of what is generally lumped together as “punk music.” Blink-182, anyone? Jimmy Eat World? Rival Schools? Alkaline Trio? They’re all here. In fact, there’s mighty fine gathering of minds (united by the bond of Atticus, one presumes) present on this disc, from bigger names (okay, huge ones) to a slew of Drive-Thru Records alumni. Relatively scarce cuts feature heavily (although some of the tracks are less “unreleased” than Atticus claims) and everything feels safe and polished. If you’re into this (pardon the pun) brand of music, and you don’t mind channelling funds into a commercial affiliation – in much the same way that Britney-buyers support Pepsi, albeit on a smaller scale – then there are far worse ways to spend your cash.
Side One Dummy Records: