The Prodigy
Baby’s Got a Temper
The Prodigy’s newest single, “Baby’s Got a Temper” is textbook Prodigy. It’s meaty and crunchy, with a spooky carnival-sounding hook that’ll stick in your head for days, and cleverly features “Firestarter” guitar sample. The Dub Mix is slow and a little sludgy, it still features the carnival line sample, but it almost seems like the rest of the music is mired in molasses.
The CD maxi-single features both an instrumental and an “a cappella: version, which are really just the track with the vocals and instruments removed, respectively.
True to the warning on the package, the multi-media whatever didn’t work on my computer (an iMac,) so I can’t review it.
So there are no surprises here, but fans will be satisfied with the tried and true approach.
The Prodigy: