Tan Sleeve
Fall Love
Bus Stop Label
I really hope that a picture runs with this CD, because these two white boys have the sweetest, frizzy afros I have ever seen! Holy crap! Let me take a minute to regain my composure… OK, well Fall Love is a very lovely CD of tunes reminiscent of Barry Manilow, The Beatles, Billy Joel, and hints of Elton John abound.
The songs here are truly beautiful, adult contemporary ballads, and these two gentlemen have voices as smooth as butta, most resembling the wonderful Barry Manilow (I don’t care how bad you hate him! You have to admit that man has a soothing and warm voice!). It appears that the boys have derived their song structures and chord progressions from The Beatles, mainly Paul’s songs.
The press sheet I got with this CD is quite long for such a short release, this one being only four songs (under 15 minutes). The songs are quite good, but I would like to have heard a few more songs from these guys here. Why only four songs? What is here, though, is perfect for a summer drive with the person you love!
Bus Stop Label: http://www.busstoplabel.com