The Washdown
The Washdown EP
Brief and short on details, The Washdown lets the music speak for itself. The Tampa five-piece, which features a pedigree from acts like Versailles, Dead America, and Hankshaw, gathers elements from that insular Florida scene but drops all pretense of academia in favor of jolting you like you just stepped on a wayward power line. Sure, The Hives can take our Dee-troyt rawk, dust if off, fix the broken framitz and serve it back with a delectable lingonberry sauce, but while I still enjoy their cooking, it’s just not the same as the slab of raw power encapsulated in these six American songs. Good thing it’s brief, my delicate critics’ sensibilities probably couldn’t take any more battering than this. I’ll gladly make an exception for a full-length from The Washdown, though.
Lookout! Records: • The Washdown: