Juno Reactor
Often, listening to Juno Reactor songs is the equivalent of hearing an hour of the most intense, outrageous music you can imagine condensed into a ten-minute fireball that leaves you a little dizzy. The new single is pretty much as full-on as you can get as far as over-the-top banging trance is concerned (which, incidentally, isn’t meant to be an insult – this is genre-topping stuff). The 12-inch mix has some gorgeous intro vocals, segueing into ominous tendrils of synth before a crescendo of a bassline takes things off on a storming Juno-style tech-trance spectacular. The remixes offer up similarly high-octane fare. It’s all good fun, but definitely at the sinister, menacing end of the trancey spectrum.
Metropolis Records: http://www.metropolis-records.com