Kill Me Tomorrow
Skin’s Getting Weird
Gold Standard Laboratories
On Skin’s Getting Weird, Kill Me Tomorrow pick up where they left off on their last release: all nervous energy and post-punk sensibility. The title track sounds like some long lost Bauhaus epic hybridized through the peculiar lyricism of the Fall or Wire. The rhythm section lurches to and fro, hurdy-gurdy, while the singer in a deadpan sing/speak voice goes, “sha, la, la.” The second track, “What’s All These Teeth About?,” is a fretful rocker, the perfect accompaniment to chasing someone through a crowded subway station, before you stomp them to death. KMT also throws in a note-for-note cover of Suicide’s “Ghost Rider,” a remix of the aforementioned “Skin’s Getting Weird” and an ubiquitous track, “Put the Time Machine in Your Mouth,” that exists in two parts (indescribable, it must simply be heard).
Gold Standard Labs: • Kill Me Tomorrow: