The Chinese Stars
A Rare Sensation
Three One G
The Chinese Stars rose from the ashes of the ever-so-brilliant Arab on Radar, and with the latter band’s shrieking vocalist (Eric Paul) and epileptic drummer (Craig Kureck) well in place, there really isn’t all that much that sets the two bands apart – this is certainly something for which we should all be grateful, thank you very much. However, while The Chinese Stars retain the angular oddities and the sheer weirdness of their predecessor, they are a more controlled and far more approachable entity altogether, as witnessed both on their debut EP, Turbo Mattress, and now again on their debut full-length disc.
Basically, The Chinese Stars come across as a more developed and mature act than Arab on Radar ever did, both with regards to songwriting and performances. Bassist Rick Pelletier, formerly of Six Finger Satellite, and guitar player Paul Vieria may have something to do with this. They are both more technically advanced players, thereby adding a sense of instrumental precision that The Chinese Stars (rather charmingly) lacked. It’s still quirky as shit, but it makes for a somewhat less intriguing sensory crush than Arab on Radar did. Yet, chances are A Rare Sensation will get more rounds in your CD player. It is, quite simply, easier on the ear.
As always, Paul’s lyrics are a mess of confusion and hilarity, this time focusing on the human machine, the machine human – or perhaps it’s just about sex. In any case, it makes the music even better.
Three One G: