Bush bungalows?
We had Hoovervilles and Reagan Ranches as cute little names for the places where people finally hit bottom when government “got tough”. So I nominate “Bush Bungalows” to describe the villages of dishwasher boxes that will house the poor after our liar in chiefs 2.5 TRILLION- WITHOUT THE WARS- budget squeals its way thru Congress.
Our government is too large, too corrupt, and too bent on providing pork to Congressmen’s special interests for any normal person to accept, but cutting money from the Army Corps of Engineers or the department of Health and Human Services (which, honesty compells me to mention that I work for…) is insane. How about we make large corporations pay the same percentage of taxes as I do, for starters. Or, how about getting the feds out of everything that isn’t dictated to them in the Constitution.
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