This won’t mean anything to 97 % of you either
Give or take. But can I just say, tonight’s 24 earned a “yay!” when that certain someone (be warned; spoilers for earlier “days”) was called in. I thought that’s what they were building up to, and I feel Chloe-like smugness in knowing I was right.
Speaking of Chloe, the episode also got a “thasright!” from me at the end. 24 being 24, I was praying they wouldn’t kill her.
One day I have to write a long(ish) piece about my feeling that there are certain dramatic characters that you can’t kill and keep the interest of your audience.
One example: I think a reason the last two Aliens movies didn’t work is because they killed Newt at the beginning of the third one. I don’t know about anybody else, but that’s when something in my head went, “Click: I don’t care about these characters anymore, fuck ‘em.”