Intro, Song Styles & Commentary
I’m aware that the lyrics that I post in Song Styles are often hopeless, fearful and loveless. Those are, not to put too fine a point on it, messages in bottles: They are where I am and how I feel on those days.
Not today.
Song Styles
Studying the hat,
Entering the world of the hat,
Reaching through the world of the hat
Like a window,
Back to this one from that
Studying a face,
Stepping back to look at a face
Leaves a little space in the way like a window,
But to see-
It’s the only way to see.
And when the woman that you wanted goes,
You say to yourself, “Well, I give what I give.”
But the woman who won’t wait for you knows
That, however you live,
There’s a part of you always standing by,
Mapping out the sky,
Finishing a hat…
Starting on a hat…
Finishing a hat…
Look, I made a hat…
Where there never was a hat…
–Stephen Sondheim, “Finishing the Hat,” from Sunday in the Park with George.
Click below for commentary.
I’ve just finished trying to turn a play I wrote around a year ago into a screenplay. It is, I hope, a better-written, more fleshed out, dare I say (fingers really crossed on this one) more meaningful version of a story about characters I’ve been living with for over a year now.
I’ve no idea. I’m way too close to have any kind of perspective on it now. All I know is one thing:
Look, I made a hat.
Where there never was a hat.