Some of America’s Richest Say ‘No, Thanks’ to Bush Tax Cuts
Thu Apr 7,12:26 PM ET World –
WASHINGTON, D.C., Apr 7 (OneWorld) – Some of America’s wealthiest individuals have declined billions of dollars in tax cuts bestowed upon them by President George W. Bush’s administration and have urged others among the country’s richest and most famous to donate their federal tax cuts to campaigns against the Bush package, often described as ‘‘tax breaks for the rich.’’
‘’It’s obscene that Washington is handing out tax breaks to millionaires with one hand and shredding the safety net with the other,’’ said Marta Drury, a member of Responsible Wealth, a national network of affluent Americans advocating what they term ‘‘widespread prosperity’’ and concerned that a deepening wealth divide in America is undermining the country’s social and democratic fabric. </i>
Kudos to these fine folks. Tax cuts for people with vast net worths is obscene, as long as those on the other end of the spectrum aren’t helped too.