Any minute now, the left will eat itself
That’s what William Rivers Pitt says, anyway.
“As I said, I enjoy hecklers. I find it personally satisfying to leave little pieces of them hanging from the rafters. This, however, was a whole different thing. In the second after the expletive and the program went sailing past me, I thought: “I wrote a book six months before the war started saying there were no weapons in Iraq and no reason to go to war there; I’ve written probably half a million words since then to reinforce that truth; I worked for Dennis Kucinich on his Presidential campaign and pushed that message there; I’ve traveled nearly 200,000 miles to rally people against the war; I’ve cashiered a good portion of my health and sanity in the process; finally, I believe with all my heart and soul that we have to get the hell out of Iraq. Pro-war?”