Left To My Own Devices
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen, anywhere. A little site called Mens News Daily offers us an article on Sex, Security and PC Heresy.
At length, it’s basically about how women aren’t supposed to enjoy sex, so it should be okay for men to ravish and/or rape them, and secretly they want to be controlled and dominated anyway, and it’s because they aren’t getting this that some of them are so gosh-darned bitchy.
I am absolutely not making this up. Go see for yourself. And while you’re there, notice three other things:
- The inevitable homophobic conclusion in which the author, with a unique connection to literacy, asserts his macho manhood while simultaneously making excuses for his wimp-dom:
In my own experiences, no less five lovers have confessed their desire to be taken and ravaged. Two of them wanted it at random; after work in her parking garage, the other suggested I break into her home and wait. On neither of these requests did I acquiesce. It sounded like a great way to get shot, beat up by some guy wanting to be a hero or (gasp) what if I got the wrong woman? Orange suits, cages and a ‘boyfriend’ named Bubba don’t appeal to me.
- The bodybuilding ad on the side, featuring a fellow who looks surprisingly like Jeff Gannon.
- The author’s self-identification as “businessman, father and self described ‘Libertarian bomb thrower.’ Sorry, Moya.
And then, you’ll want to read Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon’s take on it:
All these years of wanting a relationship with a man who was good in bed and not a domineering asshole down the drain. Turns out I had my desires completely backwards. Also, it turns out that my ass is my head.
Me, it’s times like this I know why the barely-masculine Pet Shop Boys are my favorite group, and why one of the Culture Club songs I feel least guilty about liking begins:
“Spirit changed the conversation
Stepping stones across the land
I never wanted to be a hero
I never wanted to be a man”
– “Move Away,” Culture Club and P. Pickett