This week
To my loyal and large body of readers, a bit of explanation. I’m going to be out of pocket most of the week, so updates might be sporadic. So, that said, here’s some nuggets for today:
Flist blinked on the nuke option, a deal is struck. This doesn’t close the issue, only delays it. It will appear again if or when Bush gets to appoint a Supreme Court justice. Then the fur will fly. Dobson ain’t happy. Goody.
The Brits, gotta love ‘em- well, except for that entire monarchy nonsense, but I digress- seems that more information about the entire episode now being called the “Downing Street Minutes” is coming out. A Foreign Office lawyer resigned because of it, and her resignation letter was “scrubbed” before public viewing. The original has now become public, and it’s got the Brits hot.