Maybe the Muslim critics of the last season of 24 were right
Via Oliver Willis, we have an entry from a blogger called Stakeholder about how those stories of US soldiers “mishandling” the Koran (you know, the Newsweek thing and all) turn out to be actually…kind of…well…true.
Willis further goes on to document a few instances of the loving and not at all bigoted responses from the blogs on the right:
(Rightward blogs in italics, Willis’ comments in bold)
Despite what they may say, Muslims are and have always been on a mission to conquer and kill infidels.
Not radical muslims, not the Al Qaeda fringe, etc. No, according to La Shawn “I’ve Got God On The Other Line” Barber, it’s all of ‘em.
While the Little Green Nazis chatter that the story is inconsequential (facts? don’t bother me with facts!). The commenters can hardly wait to hold back on how much they hate Muslims: “Nuke Mecca.”