“Who you gonna believe?”
“Me, or your own lyin’ eyes?”
George Bush, resident of 1600 PA Avenue, is a liar.
Shocking, I know.
Finally, a month after its release, a reporter asks Bush about the Downing Street Minutes, the document that shows, with no wiggle room, that Bush lied to the world about his intentions in Iraq, and had made up his mind long before he told the country he was going to invade.
How did he handle the question? Watch this.
Now the fact that Bush lied isn’t news, certainly. He and his minions seemingly lie about everything. What is galling, at least to me, is that Bush thinks that we all are so incredibly dense that we can’t read a statement and draw a conclusion from it, and after doing so, understand that he is lying when he replies to a question about it. Perhaps the people who voted for him are that stupid, but I’m not- nor, do I suspect, is the majority of the United States.
What will be interesting in days and weeks following this press conference will be to watch his “true believers”- the MM’s of the world- as they attempt to fit their fearless leaders words into something other than what they are- bald faced lies. They will do this for any of three reasons:
A: Bush is their hero, and he can do no wrong. We’re at war, and you don’t second-guess your commander in chief.
B: They are scared. They are afraid from 9/11, and if Bush says he’s gonna “win the war on terra” then, in nice Machevallian (sp?) style, they don’t care how he gets there. So what if he lied about this document, and WMD’s, or Saddams links to terrorist groups. Who cares? “W” is gonna kick some ass, and we’re damn sure gonna back him.
C: As long as little brown people who don’t pray to our God get killed, the reasons don’t matter.
Well, I’m not a Bush supporter, nor am I brain dead. The only thing better than yesterdays press conference would have been if it had been under oath. Then we could set in motion the steps to impeach the lying fraud who has done everything in his power to ruin our country.
This example of his dishonesty is so blatant, and easy to understand, that it hopefully will be used as a prime example of the utter moral vacuum that is George Bush.
He must go.