Ha! Great stuff
Emailed to 133 delegates to the 2004 Republican Convention.
Hillary tries to emasculate the President!
Dear Fellow Republican,
Yesterday, Hillary Clinton and a mob of Senate Democrats came very close to emasculating our Commander in Chief when they attempted to take away one of his most powerful governing tools–the ability to destroy critics by betraying intelligence agents and leaking classified information.
Although Senate Republicans were able to defeat the Democratic amendment, a provision that would have revoked security clearances for those who betray secrets, Hillary and her treacherous colleagues are sure to try it again. Next time, they may be successful.
That’s why we need you to contact your Senator and tell him or her that you support the Administration’s right to leak classified intelligence information. Please copy the text below and send it in an email to your Senator, today.
Dear Senator,
I support the Administration’s right to destroy its critics by betraying intelligence agents and leaking classified national security information. Please continue to oppose the Senate Democrats’ attempts to revoke the security clearances of those who leak classified material.
Thank you,
[Your name here]
It’s up to you to retain this important presidential prerogative. Please send your Senator an email today.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot</i>
If you’ve never experienced the Jesus General, your life is woefully incomplete.