Good read
Trouble in the Land of the Free
by John Atcheson
Well, it’s official; there’s trouble right here in the land of the free.
Mr. Bush can not only use taxpayer’s money to set up Soviet-Style propaganda events, but he can have US citizens kicked out of these public meetings by strong-armed stooges impersonating Secret Service Agents. That, at least, was the conclusion last week by the US Justice Department Attorney who said there was not enough evidence to prosecute an unnamed man who kicked three people out of one of Mr. Bush’s “town hall” meetings in Denver this past March. The White House, by the way, refuses to release the mystery thug’s name.
And here in the good old USA no one seems to give a damn.
Hundreds of billions of dollars and nearly two thousand American dead to bring democracy to Iraq, but no need to go overboard with that freedom stuff here at home, thank you.</i>