Truth to Power


There exists a website, located in the Netherlands, that offers the following:

If you are a U.S. Soldier stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other combat area and would like free SUPPORTER access for the site, you can post real pictures you or your buddies have taken while you have been deployed.

This section is for the gory ones so that people who do not wish to see that kind of stuff can just not go in here. I also do not want already published pictures that were taken by news people. This is supposed to be an area where we can see pictures posted by the solders themselves.

Just post your pics like you normally would and when I see them I will approve you for free access to the wife and g/f area. There have only been a few people cheat from this but I do now know what kind of pics to expect from the guys over there. So please do not waste my time if you are not a military person by just posting iraq pics you found on CNN or something.

Keep up the good work over there guys, we love seeing your pics.</i>

This was originally reported in the Italian media last week, and picked up by a few bloggers over here. Of course, no mention in our vaulted media.

Now I’m not going to list the website name (it’s easy enough to find) because frankly, nobody should ever have to see these images. But what is worse is the comments that these barbaric pictures garner, or as Just World News reports:

Browsing through the posts is like entering an infernal spiral : each message in facts contains dreadful pictures, in an escalation of barbarty and crudeness increased by the comments of the site readers. Inflamed messages, not horrified at all by the view of these awful snaps taken on the theater of war. One sees corpses, carbonized, without head, without members, a face in a plate, the remains of a kamikaze, an arm, legs, all that featured with inhuman comments, nearly exulting about these butcheries. Adding to the horror of the members thrown in the dust and the crusched heads, there are captions like “The only good Iraqi is a dead Iraqi” or ironical references like “Poor boy ! what if the 72 virgins were all whores ?” Even the subject line of the posts struck by their cynicism : the pragmatic ones like “Some pictures in exchange of the access”, or “Dead men for the entry”, but also the barbaric quiz “Give a name to this part of human body”, preluding the vision of a piece of bloody flesh, burned out and crushed, in which it is difficult to recognize a human face.

No one is born with the ability to do this. It takes time, environment and extraordinary circumstances to create the sort of monster that finds the death and suffering of another human being “cool” or “awesome” or funny. Perhaps in wartime you find whatever refuge possible from the constant stress and threat of your own death by mocking the death of others. I don’t know. Thankfully I have never been in combat.

But we have to remember two things when thinking about these pictures, and what sort of person would post them:

First, everyone serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are there by choice, at least they volunteered to serve in the military. Unless they were a complete simpleton, they had to realize that combat was a very real possiblity when they enlisted.

Secondly, and more importantly, they shouldn’t be there at all. Both of these conflicts are optional wars. They didn’t need to be fought, their “goals” were hollow lies, and everyday that they continue puts us more at risk. Now I’m sure that this sort of pornographic trophy hunting has been a part of war since the dawn of time- Vietnam era troops tell of necklaces made up of severed ears of the VC- but that only further impresses upon a person the total waste of war. There are times where defending yourself is vital, and to not do so is suicidal. This is not one of those times. War creates monsters, as these pictures prove. The muslims who drug American bodies thru the streets of Somalia were monsters too- there is no defending their actions either.

John Quincy Adams said America “goes not abroad seeking monsters to destroy”. There is no need. We have our own monsters here. They lied us into war, while avoiding service themselves. They and their partners profit obscenely while the troops go without. They are backed by crowds of mute, unquestioning sheep who call themselves “Christians” who believe every word our despicable President utters, because he’s “a man of faith”.

We don’t need to go abroad to fight monsters. We have our own here.

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