Straight talk on Iran
The next World War starts in Iran
By Mike Whitney
08/22/05 “ICH” – – “We consider that it would be counter-productive and dangerous to use force, the serious consequences of which would be barely predictable.” warning from the Russian Foreign Ministry to the Bush Administration about prospective plans to attack Iran
There’s only one thing that Americans need to remember when the read about the standoff between the Bush administration and Iran. There is no evidence whatsoever that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. But, don’t take my word for it. That is the conclusion of Mohammed El Baradei, the chief of the UN’s watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency; the most respected nuclear investigative agency in the world today.
After conducting 2 years of the most rigorous “go anywhere, see anything” investigations, the agency gave Iran a clean bill of health.
No nukes! Not now, not ever!
We should recall that it was the IAEA headed by El Baradei that warned the US that Saddam did not have a nuclear weapons program, and tried to save the Bush administration the embarrassment of attacking an unarmed country. That didn’t work. As we know now the intelligence was “fixed” to fit the policy, and the policy was aggression.