End welfare
Would you say a person who earned 69% more this year than last deserves welfare?
No? Then you’re not a government offical who voted to pass the recent energy bill, which gives tax breaks to oil companies- companies such as Exxon Mobil, who earned a profit of roughly $110 MILLION A DAY- more net income than any other company has recorded. And yet, they get tax breaks from the federal government, a government run by former oil company officials.
Then you read this story, which relates how oil companies shut down refineries in order to increase profits. Or how they have “too much refinery capacity” which kills one of the right wing yapping points real quick. Talking heads such as Boortz rail that “liberal environmentalists have stopped the opening of any new refinery in this country for 30 years…”, but I doubt the reality of the situation will cause him to shut up.
So the next time you watch a congressman or some cable news yap going on about how the people in New Orleans were “addicted to welfare” and got what they deserved for being poor, remember who really gets welfare in this country.
Or these words, from Martin Luther King, Jr:
True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.
Welfare to the rich, and the military structure that sustains it, is that edifice.