Sounds right, but again, a lie
Shocking War Admission From Colin Powell
“We were wrong,” Powell says. “The intelligence community was wrong, the British intelligence community was wrong, and all the other intelligence communities were wrong and I presented wrong information, because that was the information we believed to be true at the time.”
During the interview with the BBC, Powell frankly admits mistakes, saying the United States made the best decision possible based on information he now says was off-target.
“Everybody believed it to be true at the time, until we actually got into Iraq and didn’t find the stockpiles,” Powell says.</i>
Actually “everybody” didn’t believe it, you lying sack of crap. This almost sounds like an admission of guilt- until you read it and realize that the notion that our government thought there were WMD’s is just false. and that Powell is just attempting to perform a bit of CYA.
Nice try. Next?