Truth to Power

They Lie. About Everything.

Remember TTP mentioning some months back the story of the “Denver 3”, the people removed from a Bush event in Colorado because of an anti-Bush sticker on their car? White House gibbering idiot Scott McClellan belched out the following, when asked if the people had any connection to the White House:

MR. McCLELLAN: … My understanding that a volunteer at this event – and let me – I need to back up before that. We use a lot of volunteers at events to help us in a number of different areas because you obviously have – you tend to have a lot of people come into the event, a lot of logistical support that you need, and so we do rely on volunteers to help in a lot of different ways at events.

Now, in terms of this issue, my understanding is a volunteer was concerned that these three individuals were coming to the event solely for the purpose of disrupting it.</i>

Make sure you’re sitting down for the next bit, since it’s so shocking. Not. Turns out pasty boy was yet again lying:

A White House staff member was responsible for asking three people to leave President Bush’s town-hall meeting in Denver a year ago, a U.S. Secret Service agent said during an internal investigation of the event.

Now, I’m sure the MM’s of the world will debate the exact phrases used by the weasels, but a rational person says:

Lying again.

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