Ding Dong the deal is dead
Now that the Dubai deal is dead, Mr “I’ve got political capital and I’m gonna lose…I mean USE it…” Bush is getting some shots to the gut about, well, about his general incompentence in the matter of port security:
Bush Facing Rancor Over U.S. Port Security
WASHINGTON – President Bush still faces bipartisan rancor in Congress over terrorism vulnerabilities at American ports even though an election-year veto battle over a Dubai-owned company’s U.S. port plans has been defused.
The announcement Thursday by DP World that it would transfer six U.S. port operations to a U.S. entity avoided a potential showdown with the Republican-controlled Congress. Yet the larger issue highlighted by the DP world controversy – U.S. port security – shows no signs of going away.</i>
Remember. 3 more years. That’s a long time for a wounded animal to be backed into a corner.