Leon Triplett
The Leon Triplett Project
Triplett Records
James Brown didn’t just sing, “I feel good.”
He put all of his lung power into it, his entire being, the fire in his gut. It was, “I feeeEEEEEEEeeeell good.” You can take out the rhythm section and dance to his vocals alone. Even when he’s not being funky, the same can be said for Leon Triplett. There is power in his voice, even when he is cooing, as on “Like Takin’ Candy From a Baby.” Triplett knows a song becomes a force of nature when the singer can take the words and bring them to life. On paper, there’s nothing poetic about “I feel good.” From the mouth of James Brown, it has the weight of gospel.
And Triplett isn’t reserved about expressing his emotions. On “So Sexy,” you can feel the lust pouring from his lips. He wants the woman NOW. Yet there’s nothing X-rated about it. Triplett comes from a generation of musicians where sexuality can be communicated without vulgar descriptions.
Preaching love and brotherhood may seem old-fashioned to some, but these are worthy, timeless messages. And hearing Triplett sing them, you can’t help but feel good.
Actually, you will feeeEEEEEEEEeeel good. Take it away, Leon.
Triplett Records: http://www.triplettrecords.com