Throwin’ the dog a bone
Bush to Propose Guard Troops for Border
NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON – In a move designed to win support for immigration reform from get-tough conservatives, President Bush plans to send thousands of National Guard troops to help secure the Mexican border.
Bush, in a speech to the nation Monday, will propose using the troops as a stopgap measure while the Border Patrol builds up its resources to more effectively secure the 2,000-mile line between the U.S. and Mexico, said two White House officials speaking on a condition of anonymity before the president is scheduled to speak at 8 p.m. EDT.</i>
Tossing what’s left of your “base” a bone, eh Georgie? Whats the matter, couldn’t get the 10 Commandments into every schoolroom or something?
Pathetic, and probably illegal, too. And if reports of Rove being indicted are true, this press conference tonight will take on a much different tone than the grandstanding on a non-existent issue that Georgie has planned.