Satire…or not?
On a day when the homophobic gay marriage bill was defeated, yet again, we have a democratic congressman from Tennessee who is…or isn’t…indulging in a bit of satire of the GOP “platform”:
Congressman: We Should ‘Prevent Those Who Commit Adultery or Get a Divorce From Running for Office’
On the House floor, Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN) said he was opposed the amendment but only because it didn’t go far enough. Davis said Congress should “outlaw divorce in this country” and “outlaw adultery and make it a felony.” In addition, Davis said, “we should also prevent those who commit adultery, or get a divorce, from running for office.”
Davis said it was important to “go after the other threats to the institution” not just the threat from homosexuals.</i>
Satire? Or not…you make the call. Either way, the point he makes is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, smacking on a banana: Gays don’t hurt marriage, divorce does. And no amount of pandering to the SBC/Dobson/Repressed Guilt Monkey strata of voters is gonna change that fact.