Rock Star: Supernova Results Show 8.30.06
I was really anxious to see this results show tonight. I’m catching a cold, feeling crappy but the thought of hanging out in my bed and watching was something to look forward to today.
The Supernova song, “It’s On” was given to Lukas, my freak. From the first notes, it was better than the Hey Ho song from last week. That thing was a train wreck. Lukas rocked it out, he didn’t constrict his voice and he played it up to the audience. So, I’m sure that Jason’s happy with that performance. One thing I did notice is that Jason is wearing that Voivod shirt AGAIN. Doesn’t he have enough money to buy more shirts?!
Toby was handed the encore, but hearing him do a bad Billy Idol impression was enough the first time around. At least he’s dressed better tonight, those hanging suspenders last night were just a touch too much.
In the bottom 5, is everyone but Magni, which shocks me a little. Now it’s getting tougher. Ryan is the first one in the bottom 3, and he does “Baba O’ Riley”. It’s not bad, but that screech of his is on my last nerve. He sprays a bottle of champagne, WTF? Then he’s on the stacks? He’s trying hard to be the crazy man but it’s so contrived. He pretty much just screams the whole song, no key, no pitch, just screams. Not real impressed. Hopefully Supernova won’t be either. He needs to go back to his piano, write emo ballads and call it a day.
Storm is the next in the bottom 3, and she’s just fine with singing again. She’s going to do the Beatles, “Helter Skelter”. She’s screeching too, is it screech night? Are the mics set funny? What is the malfunction tonight? She hops in the crowd and tries to get the crowd to mosh. If they would have actually done it, it would have be great. Then she hops up with Supernova, and falls into Tommy’s lap, and you know he loved it. She wraps up her song with a little crowd surfing. All in all not to shabby but, not her best by far.
The last of the bottom 3 shocks my world. Dilana?! WTF? But her and Lukas were enough to give me stroke. She does Talking Heads “Psycho Killer”, not really feeling this one. Her arrangement is rather weird. But I would be shocked if they sent her home. As Gilby told her, she has earned credit with them for all her previous kick ass performances.
Of course, the Hatchetman has to do his task and he chops Ryan. Not really surprised but I was thinking how much they like him and how much Storm hasn’t been up to snuff lately. The hatchet could have fallen on Storm, so she had better step up her game from here on out.
Next week, Dilana, Toby, Magni, Storm and Lukas had better bring their A games. I’ll see ya then.