Rock Star: Supernova
As the first post of Ink 19’s TV Party, I gladly bring you Rockstar : Supernova.
What can you say about this show other than to compare it to American Idol on steroids. Jason Newsted from Metallica, Gilby Clarke from Guns N Roses and Tommy Lee are looking for a new lead singer, the pool they have to swim in is deep and full of wriggly fish. Let me bring you up to speed. We are in week #5, so we’ve already lost some of the trout. They definitely weren’t the cream of the crop, that’s for sure. I’ll recap.
Week 1- We lost Matt, he wasn’t all that bad, but he wasn’t right for Supernova. He pretty much sealed his fate with his horrible rendition of Planet Earth by Duran Duran.
Week 2- We lost Chris, wahhhh, I’m glad that dude is gone. I don’t know how he got as far as he did. He was so bland, so painful to watch.
Week 3- We said Buh-Bye to Jenny. She was from Canada, blonde, folky and played guitar. NOT a rocker at all, she was mini-Jewel. Apparently she has some sort of career in Canada. Hmph. Oh, reallllllyyy?
Week 4- We saw the last of Phil. He wasn’t worth watching. He had a couple good performances but nothing spectacular, and he wasn’t enough to front this band. That weird head bob thing… ewww. Reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and not in a good way.
This week, the competition is heating up. I still think the last 3 standing are going to be Lukas, Storm and Dilana. I’m no A&R man but that’s my humble opinion.
Patrice- She’s….alright…but… there is something icky about her. She can sing…but damn..she tries so hard that it screams stalker. Tommy played drums with her singing Higher Ground. She pretty much yelled the whole song and yet, they seemed to like it.
Josh- Wow, Santeria was the perfect song choice; it truly showed his singing ability. He’s a singer, not a rocker and I don’t know how that’s going to play out. He can carry a tune, but I see him more of a solo soul artist. Again, I’m no pro….
Dilana….my girl, the one that I can see taking this competition. Tonight was not my favorite performance of hers, but there is something about her that screams strength. Dave Navarro commented to Patrice about being lost in front of Tommy but I don’t see that happening with Dilana ever. She can not only hold her own, she can one up them at their own game.
Toby – Pennyroyal Tea. Not big Nirvana fan, not big Toby fan either. But, he did this one well. He was a crunchier version, but stark. Very good arrangement. And Tommy’s constant Crocodile Dundee impression has got to stop. It’s just not cute anymore. Toby has the chick votes, so he’ll be around a little longer.
Zayra- Man, I am shocked that she’s still here. She’s got to be the worst vocalist ever. I wonder if she’s better in her native tongue. But that version of 867-5309 was actually entertaining. But her wardrobe…. Just …plain… no. I don’t quite understand the stall after her performance…. Did they have wood? Did the poon escape during one of her wild dance moves? Will we ever know what that was all about? Believe me, I’ve been looking.
Magni- Clocks by Coldplay? The song selection needs to step it up. Haven’t we had Coldplay every week? I do love me some Chris Martin, at the right time and right place and I think in front of Supernova just isn’t it. Why can’t they pick heavier stuff? Magni is a little weak to me, he’s not a heavy hitter and that’s really what it is going to boil down to when this is over. Why did Jason say he’s pure talent? Am I the only one that thinks he’s just a step higher than any bar band singer? Tommy saying they are flying out his family is just amazing though. I wonder what gifts they are going to bestow on the other folks. You know it’s coming.
Jill – don’t you forget about me. Okay, I won’t forget. I won’t forget that you need to go home. And the only gift you will get is a ticket home. Her hair extensions this week are just to Lita rip-off for me, along with the outfit. Dave’s call was perfect, I would have gone to get a drink at that moment, oh …wait.. I did.
Ryan- okay, I still think he looks like a frat party, roofie slipping, date rapist but….. his rendition of Losing My Religion with nothing but him and the piano was incredible. It really showed the power in his voice, and that was a good thing. If he could just fix his hair and not scowl so much, he might stick around a while.
Lukas- Celebrity Skin, yeah, there’s something about that weirdo that makes me wanna see his skin. He’s just in another stratosphere and I love him. He’s enough of a character to pull it off. But, why did he keep going back to the drummer in tonight’s performance? Why was he not looking at the audience? Some say that he was just out of place since he followed Ryan. He said he was uncomfortable with the song and the words. Perhaps. I still love that freak.
Storm. I love her. I love her voice, I love her stage presence, I love her song choices. Changes, the way it started slow and then she kicked in, was awesome.
I have to agree with Jason, her going from the full on rockgrrl to the classy singer was a brilliant move for her. Stage dive last week, blazer this week. The girl can sing, there’s not doubt about it.
Dana. White girl gone bad. Being the HUGE Who fan that I am, I squirmed in my chair and wanted it to just be over. She’s not a rock girl, she’s more of an indie singer, and she just needs to be who she is. The faux growl and rock face was enough to make me wanna hurl. She needs to step out of the way because she’s about to get run over. Tattoo? What tattoo is she going to get? A Tweety Bird on her shoulder perhaps?
Can’t wait for the results show, which is Wednesdays at 8. Who is my pick to go home? Always Zayra, until she’s gone. Then, Dana. But, I hate to say, that I think the hammer is gonna fall on Jill, I think the massacre of a Simple Minds classic was an aural assault that won’t be easily forgiven.