Rock Star: Supernova Results Show 9.6.06
The final five will become the final four in just a few minutes and I have a good feeling about this one. They all did a great job last night, Supernova was truly impressed.
The new Supernova track is called “It’s All Love” and this is the one that I hate the least so far. Magni was the lucky one to sing this one tonight. He seemed to be having a little trouble with the high notes though. I’m still floored to see Jason Newsted playing along with this mainstream rock sound though. He seems to be getting into it and that’s either a great act, or he’s mellowing with age.
The final five arrived tonight in five new Honda Elements and the person who gets chosen for the encore will be winning the car they arrived in.
The encore singer tonight is Toby. Another rendition of “Throw it all Away” and catchy and cheesy as it was last night, expect this time, Toby gets a car.
At some point, all five were in the bottom three last night. Brooke did say that there was only a handful of votes that determined the bottom three and there were record number votes.
Storm is in the bottom three and doing “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd. Great rendition, if I do say so myself. At the end of the song, there are a few tears and she says that it was for her mom. And see….that’s not cheesy, because she actually KNOWS her mother.
Dilana is next in the bottom three and she’s whipping out the Cheap Trick. But WTF is that? It’s like a bad punk hoedown. It’s just horrible, and yet I see Tommy bopping along. Please tell me that he’s drunk. She ends the retardfest with some Bruce Dickinson yell. But they are applauding! WHAT? I’ve lost a little bit of respect here.
Last in the bottom three is my freak, Lukas. So, it appears, that one of my final three is going home tonight. He’s going to “Headspin” again but it sounds much better tonight. I can’t believe my choices for the top three are tonights bottom three.
This is so nerve-racking. Waiting through these stupid commercials!
Gilby likes the fact that Storm changed it up, but she’s been in the bottom three a few times so that’s a concern. Dilana also, being in the bottom three is a concern for them. Lukas is safe so I get another week with my freak but still sad that my Storm has been sent home. She’s an amazing performer and we haven’t seen the last of her. It was the most heartfelt goodbye from the guys. They were all so sad to see her go but they’ve all said that they will be playing on her track. Whether or not that happens, remains to be seen but it’s still amazing to be said.
Next week, the beginning of the end. Lukas, Dilana, Toby and Magni. Hmph. We shall see.