Truth to Power

Hackers hit Chicago vote database

Bob Wilson, an official with the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project – which bills itself as a not-for-profit civic organization dedicated to the correction of election system deficiencies – tells ABC News that last week his organization hacked the database, which contains detailed information about hundreds of thousands of Chicago voters, including their Social Security numbers, and dates of birth.

“It was a serious identity theft problem, but also a problem that could potentially create problems with the election,” Wilson said.

…“Or we could’ve changed the information on what precinct you were in or what polling place you were supposed to go to,” he said. “So there were ways that we could potentially change the entire online data base and disenfranchise voters throughout the entire city of Chicago.”

“If we’d wanted to, we could’ve wiped the entire database out,” Wilson claimed.


As we’ve remarked before, if voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it.

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