3rd in line to Prez shelters sexual predators
Really, what more do ya need? In a week that saw the ruling party dismantle our legal system, the intelligence agencies warn that our “war on terror” actually increases our risk, and Woodwards new book showing an administration so inept that they shouldn’t run a newspaper stand, much less the world, we get this cherry atop our ice cream sundae of MAKE IT STOP.
The third in line to the presidency has been covering up a sexual predator for at least 11 months, if not years. These people simply can no longer be allowed to remain in power. Their optional wars are lost, our longterm economy is in the tank, lobbyists have free run of the White House, and a congressman who uses his office and power to advance his sexual desires with an underaged page is the f’n CHAIRMAN of a congressional committe on Missing and Exploited Children.
Of course, the honorable thing for all of these people to do would be to resign, at the very least. (Ha. Even typing the word “honor” near anyone connected to the republican party is laughable.) But instead, they attempt to derail investigation into the matter (sound familar?), and send their nonsense-spewing lackeys onto the talk shows to downplay the whole thing, or at least link it somehow to Clinton.
Bottom line? The Republican ruling party would rather protect sexual predators than your kids. End of story.