Amazing Race 10-Episode 4
First off are the Bros, leaving to Hanoi. They came in first, so they leave first.
The Addict Models are 2nd on the way. Then out are Rob and Kimberly, I swear, I wanna smack them both.
Peter and Sarah are ready to implode. Sarah has seen him how he really is, and she’s a little wary of him. Hopefully there will be a good meltdown on national TV.
The B Queens get to the first spot, the gardens in Hanoi and they are standing there, listening to crickets, thinking that’s the clue. Haha, dumbasses. They do however, all listen to the clue and then a few get smart, and yank out the taxi drivers and make them listen to the speakers. A bit amusing considering they are speaking in broken English. The clue is for them to taxi to one spot, take a bus to another and then go to the Hydrofoil Harbor. They all hear the clue and then head out in a cluster. The best part is when Rob and Kim get out of a taxi all pissed at the driver. They get another cab and this one is worse. He can’t understand any English at all, and then he can’t even understand Vietnamese! The blown gasket in Rob’s head is becoming abundantly clear here. I can’t wait for him to just go off! Hopefully, he’ll be the first player to get arrested mid race! There always has to be at least one volatile team and I live for it.
Of course, the Billies have made friends every where they have gone. Mary is in the taxi telling the driver how she loves him…and David is saying “Well, we ain’t takin’ him home”. At the Roadblock, the Billies were in 1st place, I’m sure that’s short lived.
The Roadblock consists of them using ascenders to climb up the face of a rock wall. Upper body strength, hands down are the Bros. I mean, hell look at those guns! My favorite is the fact that Peter is constantly having Sarah do all the hard work and she laps it up like a starving kitten. She sits at the rock, waiting her turn and crying. Then he tells her to “pull the handicap placard out and tell them that you are next in line” I mean, holy sh*t…. What a moron. You just know after she does it horribly, he’s gonna smack her around when the cameras are off.
When they finish the Roadblock, they have to travel via boat to a cave where they find the next clue. Rob and Kimberly make it there first and get the clue and it reveals a Detour. They have to do one of the jobs that is vital to the economy in Vietman. This one is called “Over and Under”. Over, they have to ride a boat to a buoy, then row to a supply boat, get fruit, row it to an address for delivery, then row back to the supply boat and give the signed invoice to the Captain who gives them their next clue. In Under, they ride a boat to the buoy, the row a smaller boat to an oyster farm where they harvest 30 basket and take them to the pearl farmer who gives them the next clue. Wow, both seem like a whole lot of arm strength again!
Rob and Kimberly ( the Psychos) chose Under. So they get in the boat, she’s trying to help and he’s knocking her all over the place. Her stock phrase has been “DO not freak out on me”. But, hell, if he didn’t would we all be so intent on watching him? Hellzno. They get to the buoy and of course, they freak the hell out again at each other. She’s gritting her teeth and yelling at him. I LOVE IT. She’s getting all the baskets because he’s too retarded. (Well, or for some reason…) David and Mary AND TNT were all drama over the rowing. It’s great. The Addicts were just rowing fools. Peter is a jerk as always. Sarah asked what can she do it help, and he basically tells her to shut up that he doesn’t need encouragement, he just needs directions. Peter is just losing his shit, almost tipping the boat, yelling at her, yelling at TNT. The Addicts are good, just rowed, got the baskets. The Queens, well, that was some great drama as always. Crying…whining…it makes for good TV. They were so proud of each others accomplishments this episode, it was nice to see.
They then row to another boat, which they takes them 9 miles to Soi Sim Island. The last one there could be eliminated. The Beauty Queens just rowed and rowed then realized they weren’t supposed to row to get Phil. They got the drift that they had to row to the boat and then see Phil.
The teams came to Phil in this order-
The Psychos
Peter and Sarah
The Addicts
The Bros
The Billies
The Divas
The Beauty Queens
And eliminated tonight -TNT …The Queens
My favorite line from the whole show so far is from Terry, he says “As long as there’s a Starbucks nearby, I could live here”. I agree, baby, I totally agree.