The Grates
The Ouch. The Touch
The Grates’ The Ouch. The Touch is one of those full-length primers to build the hype machine for a future “it” band. Unfotunately, these folks don’t necessarily have “it,” at least not as far as these four tracks go. The jittery stop-start mania of the Deerhoof-esque “Message” begins the disc with sure-footing and the follow-up “Sukkafish” is like some twisted hyrid of Australian outback folk and brit-rock stomp. The two remaining tracks are fairly unmemorable: “Trampoline” sounds like Karen O fronting an extra-poppy Knack and “Wash Me,” exhibiting no aural adhesive powers at all. It’s 50/50 split, not a good sign for a band that’s going to inevitably be touted by someone as the future of rock & roll.
Cherrytree Records: http://www.cherrytreerecords.com