Truth to Power

Cheney: Screw you. I ain’t talkin’

Cheney says unlikely he would comply with Congress subpoena

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Vice President Dick Cheney said he would likely refuse to testify before Congress if he is faced with a subpoena from the opposition Democratic party.

The Democrats say if they prevail in Tuesday’s legislative elections they may launch investigations into past actions taken by President George W. Bush’s administration, possibly even issuing subpoenas to compel prominent officials to testify.</i>

Talk, or sit there while they measure you for an orange jumpsuit, you sociopath*.

  • Funny thing. While looking for a good definition of a sociopath, the wonderful wiki reminds us of this:

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for antisocial personality disorder is CORRUPT:

C – cannot follow law

O – obligations ignored

R – remorselessness

R – recklessness

U – underhandedness

P – planning deficit

T – temper

Well my, that’s Big Dick “Go Fuck Yourself” Cheney all over, ain’t it?

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