Cheney to go?
Are Cheney’s days numbered? Analyst claims influence waning
A senior columnist for the inside-the-beltway publication Congressional Quarterly speculated on MSNBC’s Hardball this afternoon that Vice President Richard B. Cheney may be the next to exit the Bush Administration.
MATTHEWS: Let me check this. I rarely do this on the show. Are you teasing? Are you – do you actually think there’s a reasonable plausible case for this Vice President to give up all the power he enjoys as the President’s first counsel?
CRAWFORD: Not if he doesn’t enjoy it anymore. I mean all I’m seeing is the man getting isolated more and more. This seems to be his most vulnerable position in the entire Bush administration.</i>
I doubt this is accurate, simply because of Cheney’s statements on presidential power and because with Cheney gone, Bush gets impeached in an instant, because nobody wanted to end up with President Cheney. But, on the other hand, if Big Dick sees the writing on the wall, he may want to get out before the investigations start.
We’ll wait and see. A more loathsome human has never lurked the halls of power in our lifetimes, thats for sure. He wouldn’t be missed.